Heart for Families

Love Jesus. Love each other. Love your community.

At Apex we believe that our kids and teens will greatly impact those they come in contact with. The triangle expresses our Up, In, and Out view of living. Because each aspect of the triangle is necessary we focus on learning God’s story, building relationships with each other, and being salt and light to the world. This is not for adults only!

A safe space for every child

Our wonderful Family Life team is here to come alongside parents and caregivers in the discipleship process. We'll provide a fun, safe, and age-appropriate environment where children can learn about Jesus and the hope of the Gospel in developmentally appropriate ways.
All Family Life partners are background checked. 


Nursery provides a secure and safe environment for children 0-3 years old. We focus on God’s love, His creation and how He cares for us. At all levels our caregivers have received background checks.

Early Childhood

In Early Childhood, ages 4, 5, and Kindergarten, the leaders invest in your children as they share God’s story in a variety of age-appropriate ways including teaching that God is good and not only hears our prayers, but will speak to us. We sing, do crafts, and play all for God’s glory. Through family, friendship, and community even our youngsters can shine the light of Jesus!  

Elementary Life

In Elementary Life (Grades 1-5) We believe our children lead the way in faith! Elementary Life cultivates that growing faith in 1st-5th graders, fueling them for a lifetime of following Jesus. Each week, children connect with the story of God and their place in it. We make new friends through imaginative play, we learn about the world and pray for it, we sing together, and we spend time engaging with Scripture. Our Elementary Life team serves on a monthly rotation and is dedicated to interacting with, praying for, and walking alongside your children in the journey of discipleship.

Middle & High School

Middle School students (6-8 grade) start the morning in the service for a time of worship. Afterwards, as a group, they head to the youth room where they experience guided conversation and Bible based teachings. We believe this is the age where students begin to make their faith their own. It is a safe environment to connect with peers and to ask the “hard” questions.

The High School students currently attend Sunday morning services. Monthly we meet to share a meal, build relationships with each other, explore God’s Word, and/or serve our community. The leaders are available to oversee and direct the times together, but the youth leads the way. Apex is committed to serving our teens in a way that prepares them to face the challenges of adulthood and this world.

Your First Visit

When you come to Apex Church, you can expect warm and welcoming faces. Our Welcome Center team will register your children and provide security name tags for each child and a
pick up/drop off tag for the adult. Please plan to arrive early if it’s your first day.

Our Sunday morning gatherings begin at 10:00 and classrooms open at 9:50. The service typically lasts 65-75 minutes.

Family Worship at Celebration Sundays

Celebration Sundays occur 4 times a year. Imagine a summer camp vibe that includes games, songs, an interactive lesson plus Family Dedications and Baptisms! As one, united family we celebrate Jesus and follow it up with a fun meal and activities. Definitely not your usual Sunday experience!

Let's serve our kids together.

The team of volunteers that serve our children and youth all receive background checks. They are a special group of people who are committed to partnering with the directors and parents in order to teach and set the example that Jesus has given.

As we continue to expand, please consider joining us. Whether you enjoy rocking babies or leading a discussion in a small group, there is a place for you! One special area of need is with our kids with disabilities. It is such a rewarding experience to spend time with these children. You will be blessed!

If interested or would like more information, please contact Cathy Durrenberg, Family Life Team Lead, at